“You can’t be, what you can’t see” ~
Marian Wright Edelman
Bonim Kim, BSN, RN, CCRN attended a Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop hosted at Fairfield University.
She perused the Harlem School of Anesthesia 1965 Yearbook and was thrilled to see a South Korean Nurse Anesthetist!
Representation matter!
A historical yearbook traveled to 5 Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop Events
Goldie Brangman Program Director Harlem School of Anesthesia dedicated page in the 1965 Scope Yearbook featuring graduates & pioneering warriors who fought for racial inequities in the country.
Today, critical care nurses of color need to know diverse Nurse Anesthetists who paved the way for us to deliver anesthesia.
As per Heidi Espinal, RN, BSN, CCRN...
This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend The Diversity CRNA 2024 Meet & Greet hosted at
Fairfield University.
During this amazing meet and greet, I was able to immerse myself into the world of Nurse Anesthesia! I had the chance to intubate a mannequin with the guidance of a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.
Thank you,
Wallena Gould, EdD, CRNA, FADLN, FAANA, FAAN for giving us this space to network and learn what it takes to become a CRNA.
Historically excluded ICU Nurses of color from across the country interested in Nurse Anesthesia attend and actively immerse themselves at the Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop hosted at Fairfield University.
Within 6 months, many of them will be admitted into the same Nurse Anesthesia program.
Watch this safe space grow.
Access & early professional socialization core to the Immersion Model for Diversifying Nurse Anesthesia Programs.
À crna•ish story on power of networking in Nurse Anesthesia journey
During a break at the Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop at Fairfield University, an ICU RN manager overheard a request on any open critical care nursing positions. She offered her contact information to directly hire more nurses on the unit.
As a requisite requirement for admission consideration into a graduate nurse anesthesia program, a nurse must have at minimum 1 - 2 years of critical care nursing clinical experience,
In one year, she will be eligible for the CCRN Exam. Then, can apply to a CRNA Program.
An international nurse &
#firstgen college graduate from Brazil accepted into the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science DNAP Nurse Anesthesia Program!
Tarcisio Gois Dos Santos, BSN, RN, CCRN, attended a Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop event at the University of Pittsburgh. Recently, he visited Brazil in small village of his first home as a child with his sisters and mother.
“No pequeno povoado Matinha, zona rural do no menor estado do Brasil, cresceu um menino cujos sonhos ultrapassavam os limites de sua realidade. À medida que cada um desses sonhos se realizava, ele se permitia sonhar ainda mais alto. Aos 7 anos, viu seus pais se separarem, mas o suporte de seus avós e de sua mãe ao longo da vida foi essencial para que ele crescesse em um ambiente humilde, honesto e que sempre valorizou o respeito pelo próximo e a educação como peça transformadora.
Ele persistiu…Passou no vestibular para enfermagem na UFS e, durante esse tempo, enfrentou dificuldades financeiras que tornaram tudo mais difícil. Em 2014, teve a oportunidade de ir para os EUA com uma bolsa de estudos e, ao retornar ao Brasil, dedicou-se inteiramente a um sonho que definiu aos 21 anos, quando descobriu a possibilidade de se tornar ENFERMEIRO ANESTESISTA.
Em um país que limita o avanço na enfermagem, ele sabia que não conseguiria alcançar seus objetivos se permanecesse ali. Então, lutou para ser o melhor que poderia ser e tomou, mais uma vez, a decisão de sair da zona de conforto e mudar-se para os EUA.
O sonho que o manteve confiante e persistente foi o combustível dessa longa jornada, e o apoio da família e dos amigos foi o alicerce que o sustentou, permitindo-lhe construir sua história, tijolo por tijolo.
Esse é apenas um pedaço da longa estrada que me trouxe até aqui.
Ser aceito em um programa de doutorado em enfermagem em anestesia, sendo um enfermeiro imigrante cuja educação foi totalmente obtida no Brasil, parecia impossível. Mas eu sonhava com o momento em que chegaria a minha vez. Todos os meus passos foram planejados por Deus e executados por mim com muita fé!
Ontem, 15 de outubro de 2024, abri o envelope que continha a carta que mudará para sempre o rumo da minha vida e representa a conquista daquele sonho!
Sim, eu serei Enfermeiro Doutor em Anestesia pela Mayo Clinic, o melhor hospital do mundo!
É indescritível a alegria de compartilhar mais essa conquista com as pessoas que amo. Muito obrigado à minha família e amigos! Este triunfo é nosso, não apenas meu.”
Repeat after me...I will be a CRNA!
Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop hosted at Duke University showcasing the simulation lab experience.
This filled to capacity immersive weekend event with nurse of color interested in Nurse Anesthesia.
Last month, the Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop was hosted at Fairfield University.
Marginalized RNs before applying to programs with CRNA mentors and actively engaged in the Immersion Model for Diversifying Nurse Anesthesia Programs.
Fun fact: Out of a 65K CRNA Workforce, only 4% are Black CRNAs, 4% Hispanic CRNAs, 3% Asian CRNAs & 0.7% Indigenous CRNAs.
Early morning Diversity CRNA walk around Fairfield University campus with diverse critical care nurses from across the country interested in Nurse Anesthesia.
Followed by an all day immersive simulation lab workshop before applying to CRNA Programs.
Out of a 65K CRNA Workforce, only 4% are Black CRNAs, 4% Hispanic CRNAs, 3% Asian CRNAs & 0.7% Indigenous CRNAs.
Access & early professional socialization core to the Immersion Model for Diversifying Nurse Anesthesia Programs.
Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop hosted at Fairfield University.
Fairfield University Nurse Anesthesia Residents, Bernice Boateng and Julie Luna standing with Levia Sutton, CRNA, PhD Student (University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing & Robert Wood Johnson Research Policy Scholar).
Access & early professional socialization core to the Immersion Model for Diversifying Nurse Anesthesia Programs.
Repeat after me…I will be a CRNA!!!
A future CRNA immersive experience from the Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop hosted at Midwestern University.
I see you, Stacy Reid, BSN, RN, CCRN surrounded by CRNA mentors in her journey!
“You are your own best thing” ~ Toni Morrison
Fun fact: Out of a 65K CRNA Workforce, only 4% are Black CRNAs, 4% Hispanic CRNAs, 3% Asian CRNAs & 0.7% Indigenous CRNAs
Repeat after me... I will be a CRNA
Access & early professional socialization core to the Immersion Model for Diversifying Nurse Anesthesia Programs
Reflection from Kyle Joseph Credle, Nurse Anesthesia Resident at Virginia Commonwealth University.
In this 2023 photo, Kyle sitting with Virginia Commonwealth University Nurse Anesthesia Department Chair, Dr. Nickie Damico, PhD, CRNA, CHSE, FAANA at the Diversity CRNA Event hosted at VCU.
You may wonder why would I post this? Why am I looking uneasy or uncertain?
It’s an off guard photo that I vividly remember what was going through my head at that moment that took me away from being present.
It’s all doubt within the mind even during what should be a happy time … yet the mind can still try and steal your joy.
Two months removed from receiving my acceptance letter and there I was last fall before I started still thinking “What if I’m not cut out for this?”, “What have I done?”, “Am I smart enough or am I ready?”, “I’m giving up my steady job and income for this?” even after all the work I put in for two years to get my opportunity.
Here I am still working hard, grinding through it and thriving.
I could’ve quit, I could’ve gave up my seat, I could’ve gone back to working in the ICU where I was comfortable, etc. but I chose to be here.
You will cycle back through these thoughts so many times throughout life, but don’t let them hold you back from achieving the things you want in life.
You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.
Photo Credit: LaTonya Mims CRNA
As per Tanveer Chahai, RN:
Having the hands-on experience intubating and utilizing fiber-optic imaging in
Duke University‘s innovative airway simulation lab workshop was a warm welcome into the world of anesthesia.
I look forward to continuing to work towards professional advancement alongside the great feedback I gained from meeting with professionals in this field.
Don’t miss this first virtual movement experience with the
Diversity CRNA Wellness & Joy Collective from the comfort of your own home.
Reserve your spot today and flow into a new season of wellness!
“You can’t be, what you can’t see”
~Marian Wright Edelman
A crna•ish story of an ICU RN interested in Nurse Anesthesia surrounded by CRNA mentors at Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop hosted at Midwestern University.
Genesis Bueno, BSN, RN, CCRN, Repeat after me... I will be a CRNA!!
Black Butterfly
Set the skies on fire.
Rise up even higher.
So the ageless winds of time
Can catch your wings
~ Song lyrics by Deniece Williams
Access & early professional socialization core to the Immersion Model for Diversifying Nurse Anesthesia Programs.
Observation Day in the OR…
Kyle Joseph Credle, Nurse Anesthesia Resident from Virginia Commonwealth University shares his thoughts during the beginning of clinical experience.
Wow! I’ve never felt more absolute and reassured that this was the journey that I was destined for. Everything I’ve gone through in my nursing career prepared me after today.
Being in the OR and connecting the dots with all of the massive amounts of educational content covering pharmacology, physiology and anesthesiology ignited my energy to keep on going and learning even more of how to manage patients under anesthesia.
Nurse anesthesia training is hard, demanding and down right humbling sometimes. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I just have to continue to press on!
Paying it forward via Diversity CRNA!
Our free Diversity CRNA 2024 Zoom Personal Statement & Resume Workshop was on November 9th over 125 diverse nurses in attendance interested in Nurse Anesthesia is to ensure you...to remain your authentic self.
Now, let’s start writing that 1st draft!
Levia Sutton, MSN, CRNA, PhD Student (Chair, Diversity CRNA Personal Statement & Resume Review Committee) moderated this two-hour free zoom session.
Yes, free...the way it should be, honestly.
Fun fact: Out of a 60K CRNA Workforce, only 4% are Black CRNAs, 4% Hispanic CRNAs, 3% Asian CRNAs & 0.7% Indigenous CRNAs
You see and understand the urgency of now…
In 2024, we purposely hosted 5 Diversity CRNA Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop events with early professional socialization to increase representation.
This fun fact moves us to pay it forward with FREE
Diversity CRNA Personal Statement & Resume Review services for members by 30 experienced CRNAs across the country. Services resume February 2025.
This is what grassroots level award winning national diverse workforce in Nurse Anesthesia look like in planting seeds of opportunity and excellence!
Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshops hosted at 5 universities, all filled to capacity with diverse critical care nurses from different regions of the country.
By 2024-year end, in 20 years, over 870 diverse marginalized CRNAs nationwide started journey through Diversity CRNA as critical care nurses
Watch out soon for announcement of Diversity CRNA 2025 Information Session & Airway Simulation Workshops of dates/locations!
Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshops in 2024 featured a SRNA Panel.
Students enrolled in various programs share their journey and experience on the road to become a CRNA. Here this SRNA speak about his clinical experience.
Fun fact: Out of a 65K CRNA Workforce, only 4% are Black CRNAs, 4% Hispanic CRNAs, 3% Asian CRNAs & 0.7% Indigenous CRNAs
Repeat after me... I will be a CRNA!
Access & early professional socialization core to the Immersion Model for Diversifying Nurse Anesthesia Programs.
A testimony by Carla Jean-Baptiste, BSN, RN, CCRN after attending a Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop at Duke University!
A transformational career changing event on the CRNA trajectory route surrounded by mentors!
It’s been a month since I attended my first DIVERSITY IN NURSE ANESTHESIA MENTORSHIP PROGRAM & I must say I don’t see myself coming down off this high anytime soon. I was submerged in rooms full of “MAGIC”. CRNA’s & SRNA’s who looked like me. They shared some uplifting testimony that truly resonated & shook parts of me...
Sheikh Ilias, Nurse Anesthesia Resident, Fairfield University testimony as he served on the graduate student panel for the Diversity CRNA 2024 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop/Fairfield University
Diversity Nurse Anesthesia Mentorship Program conference @ Fairfield University. Last year I had the privilege of being a part of this event as a hopeful applicant as I was actively applying to Nurse Anesthesia programs.
This year I was honored to be a part of it as a Nurse Anesthesia Resident, paying it forward for future applicants. Thank you Dr. Gould @lenagould for creating this amazing space, the support and camaraderie, the stories, all very inspiring. Hope to see you again soon. Dr. Sanchez @s_sanchez92 you did an excellent job hosting. Shout out to @_julesluna for a phenomenal job as a student moderator. I’m super grateful for your friendship over the years. Very lucky to have you as a mentor.
Access, professional socialization and opportunity is the core of the Immersion Model for Diversifying Nurse Anesthesia Programs.
Are you a RN interested in becoming a CRNA?
Visit us at www.diversitycrna.org in December. Don't delay, registration fills quickly. In 2025, the Saturday Information Sessions will be broadcast via Zoom from the host university for those that cannot attend in person.
Registration Opens in December 2024 for the first Diversity CRNA 2025 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshop!
The remaining four Diversity CRNA 2025 Information Session & Airway Simulation Lab Workshops will have open registration in February 2025! Launch your journey to become a CRNA!
Diversity CRNA Effect!
Just an FYI...
Critical care nurses interested in Nurse Anesthesia, this is a partial list of Nurse Anesthesia Programs that do not require the GRE Exam for admission consideration...
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Photography by Ronald Spatafore